יום שישי, 4 בנובמבר 2011

The Most Badass-looking Wrist-mounted Crossbow You Will See All Day

The Wrist Bow that you see above is the work of do-it-yourself weapon maker Patrick Priebe. The video, that Priebe was kind enough to post, shows his wrist-mounted crossbow damaging random stuff from a range of nine feet. Not too far, granted, but it does a really good job of putting the bolts where the laser sight says that they should go. The batteries and switch for the laser are hidden in the palm of the device, the trigger is [...]

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/UberReview/~3/kWJn05rfnZY/the-most-badass-looking-wrist-mounted-crossbow-you-will-see-all-day.htm

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