יום שישי, 25 בנובמבר 2011

Alienware M11x Gaming Laptop Is Your PC Gaming-on-the-Go Deal of the Day

Remember LAN parties? What a pain in the ass it was to drag your tower and monitor to your friend's house in order to shoot each other in face for a few hours. Okay, that last part was fun. In fact let's bring the LAN party back. Laptops like the Alienware M11x Gaming Laptop for $649 are perfect for those long nights of energy drinks, pizza, and spawn camping. It's portable, powerful and best of all, you won't hurt your back getting it out of the back of your car. More »

Source: http://gizmodo.com/5861512/alienware-m11x-gaming-laptop-is-your-pc-gaming+on+the+go-deal-of-the-day

Bluetooth Android 3.0 Samsung Galaxy S2 Apple

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