יום ראשון, 20 בנובמבר 2011

This Death Star Planetarium Is Your Interstellar Deal of the Day

Remember when you were a kid and you started gazing longingly up at the sky? It wasn't any innate, primal curiosity about the stars, it was Star Wars. Remember how disappointed you were when you realized that the Death Star wasn't really up there? Crushing. But even with your dreams of becoming an X-Wing pilot dashed, your curiosity persisted. Well now you can once again join your undying passion obsession religious devotion to Star Wars with the cosmos above you. This tabletop Death Star planetarium for $15 projects both our night sky as well as the night sky of the galaxy far far away. -MA More »

Source: http://gizmodo.com/5860197/this-death-star-planetarium-is-your-interstellar-deal-of-the-day

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