יום שלישי, 1 בנובמבר 2011

5 Tools and Tips For National Novel Writing Month

Today is Nov. 1, which means we're not only speeding down the Fall and Winter holiday highway, but for the next 30 days, writers everywhere will be producing massive amounts of words by participating in National Novel Writing Month. Thirty days to write at least 50,000 words? You better be prepared. Make sure you take these tips into consideration and have these tech tools on hand as you dive feet first into noveling mania.

  • A clean workspace - There's nothing more distracting than a cluttered workspace to keep you from diving into your novel. Be sure to clean off your work area at home and get organized before you begin to minimize procrastination.
  • A lightweight laptop - Some people can write for hours at home, while others need to get away from their comfort zone to focus. Keeping a netbook, lightweight laptop, or iPad and portable keyboard in your bag at all times allows you to write when the urge strikes, even when you're on the bus.
  • Google Docs - Rather than write your novel on a Word doc that you have to keep updating and sending to yourself, write your masterpiece in Google Docs so you can access it anywhere, no matter what computer you're using. Cloud computing also provides a good way to sneak in some writing time at work. Just have another doc ready to click away to when the boss approaches!
  • A timer - One trick of the NaNoWriMo trade is word sprints. For a few minutes at a time, write as fast as you can to get your word count up. For this, you'll need an egg timer or your smartphone's timer app to challenge yourself.
  • Inspiration - Sites that help you come up with new and fresh ideas can keep you from getting into a writing rut. Try these random plot generators and random storyline generators to keep the juices flowing.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/geeksugar/~3/P6Jff0w6VtU/National-Novel-Writing-Month-Tips-20217205

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