יום רביעי, 28 בספטמבר 2011

This Remote Controlled UFO Is Your Conspiratorial Deal of the Day

I was abducted by aliens once when I was in college. I was walking home from class one night after a lecture on Shakespeare's The Tempest or something. It was cool and breezy, as I remember. But then it got a whole lot more breezy. Out of nowhere, a strange looking craft swooped down and hovered over my head. The next thing I knew, I was aboard the ship, drinking Tea and discussing the finer points of 16th century British literature in a wonderfully futuristic looking room. Then I woke up in my bed. Apparently I was the only one who saw the UFO, because there wasn't so much as a message board post about it afterwards. More »

Source: http://gizmodo.com/5843363/this-remote-controlled-ufo-is-your-conspiratorial-deal-of-the-day

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