יום רביעי, 31 באוגוסט 2011

A Fast and Durable 128GB Kingston SSD Is Your Data Deal of the Day

Holy shit! The house is collapsing! The entire house is falling apart! Laura—Laura, can you hear me? The roof is falling down! In chunks! Big chunks! Sweetie?? Can you hear this? This is incredible—everything is just falling down all over the place. The lamp! Oh sweet Christ, Aunt Ling's lamp just crumbled before me. It's all over Laura—I think I'm going down with the ship. No—no you hang up first. Laura! Baby, listen, I didn't mean any of those things I wrote in the Courier-Dispatch—no, look, I know you were indicted, but that's behind us, I—okay, fine. Well I'm telling you, the entire house is falling down. Everything is shaking. Shaking like God's own tambourine! Well I know I'm not a churchgoing man, but, I'll tell you, I feel holy spirit in this shaking house. Oh, the computer? No my laptop's fine, I've got a 128GB Kingston SSD drive. Data corruption probably won't be an issue, what with the lack of moving parts. And it was only $128 with free shipping! Can you believe that? Laura? Laura..? -SB

Top Deals

? 128GB Kingston SV100S2N/128GZ 2.5" SSD for $128 with free shipping (normally $210 {Savings of $82 / 39% off} - use this form)

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Source: http://gizmodo.com/5835888/a-fast-and-durable-128-gb-kingston-ssd-is-your-data-deal-of-the-day

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