יום ראשון, 31 ביולי 2011

The science behind getting an original song onto Rockband: Fart pour..er part four.

Ahem, yes well, other than the distiction of holding the record for the longest title, this series is also spreading itself on so many parts that they could eventually be reunited onto a TV movie starring John Steimos and the guy with the H on his forehead, from Red Dwarf. Moving on: Step eight: Submitting a song, and having it authored for Rockband. There are several ways to submit a song in order to have it converted for Rockband, the [...]

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/UberReview/~3/HspXSvikHkU/the-science-behind-getting-an-original-song-onto-rockband-fart-pour-er-part-four.htm

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