יום שבת, 30 ביולי 2011

The science behind getting an original song onto Rockband: Part 3 44/99

Step six: Vocals. Vocals can be tricky, especially if you’re doing it yourself, in your basement which is not soundproof. Above is a photo of my “studio” area, but a real recording studio looks nothing like that. For one thing, in a real recording studio like Red Rhino, they have a soundproof vocal booth, which is basically an oversized closet, with a small window and is pretty much isolated against most external sounds. You can still pull it off though, [...]

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/UberReview/~3/lX0Tevse85s/the-science-behind-getting-an-original-song-onto-rockband-part-3-4499.htm

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