יום ראשון, 30 באוקטובר 2011

The D-Link Boxee Box Is Your Excuse-To-Stay-Indoors Deal of the Day

The way I see it, there are three things you can do today. You could harmlessly geek out about that awesome Nokia Lumia 800 Windows Phone. I don't care what nerds say, that thing is h to the awt. Two, you can participate in Occupy Oakland, which, um, might result in getting shot in the face with rubber bullets and getting tear gassed by police who are igniting chaos as some twisted show of strength. Or you can curl up in a Snuggie with some nice hot cocoa with marshmallows and watch some Hello Kitty on your just purchased Boxee Box for $125. Oh hell, why not just do them all? Today is a day to never forget. -CC More »

Source: http://gizmodo.com/5853607/the-d+link-boxee-box-is-your-excuse+to+stay+indoors-deal-of-the-day

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